Sunday, June 9, 2019

Tag made for me!

This was made by Pammer's Passion

Click the link to find the tut
It is Awesome!!!!
Thanks Pam!
I love it!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

America's Sweetheart

This tutorial was written on 04-29-15 By Kelli.
And then revised today,06-02-19.
You can find the first tutorial here
Please don't copy it or claim it as your own or post it through any group.
You may link back to my blog.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of psp and its tools.
It is written using psp 9 but should work in any other version.
 You will need a tube of choice. I'm using
   BY Andy Cooper
Purchase this kit at Scraps and Company
And you will need a scrap kit of choice. I used 
You can purchase it at ScrapsNCompany
You will also need a font of choice.
I am using Hopeful Grasshopper
And my Word art
Just click on it, and then right click on the larger image and save as..
Ok, Ready?
Open a new image 650 by 650. Transparent.
Paste frame #82 as a new layer. Re-size it by 65%.
Sharpen it and use your magic wand to select the inside of the frame.
Expand the selection by 3.
Add a new Raster layer and drag it below the frame.
Paste paper of choice into the selection.
Select none.
Add a shadow to the frame and merge down the frame and the paper.
Repeat with frame # 80, but this time re-size by 60.
And you wont need a shadow on the frame this time.
Paste element # 67, the ribbon, as a new laywer.
Drag it to the bottom.
Paste my word art now. 
feel free to add any effects you would like. But please dont share or change the file name.
Olease just direct the person to my blog to download.
Add some more elements from the kit, resize them sharpen and shadow as desired.
Add the tube and ©. Also please give the scrapper credit also.
And dont forget to add your license number for the tube if required and your taggers info.
Merge visible.
Select all, float the selection and then defloat the selection.
Now go to effects and crop to selection.
Save as a png.
And now your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!
I hope you are happy with your results!
I would love to see them!


For this tutorial you will need:
My zip file HERE
In it is my word art and a mask from  my stash
I have not changed the file name, I wish I knew where to find it on the internet, 
so that I could link to the blog.
If anyone knows where to find it, please email me at 
so that I can give credit or
take it down. Thanks!
You will also need the mask by  WSL #54 HERE
And the mask by zuzzanna  #105
Font of choice or The one I have used :
Scrap kit GlowBear By Tiny Turtle Designs
Check out her blog HERE
I have also used the Eyecandy 4000 plug in:
Gradient Glow 

 ~Open new image 500x500
~Select all
 ~Copy and paste paper (10) into selection,
~select none.
~Layers-new mask layer- from image
Here are my settings
~Merge group.
~Effects-plug-ins-eye candy 4000

~Here are my settings
Color: #376337

~Open paper (17)
~Shift +D to duplicate. Close the original.
Re-size the paper to 300 X 300.
~Load mask With these settings

~Merge group.
Copy and paste it onto the tag you are making, as a new layer.
~Effects-edge effects-erode.
~Drop shadow of choice.
~New layer, send to bottom,
select all. Paste paper (28) into selection. select none.
~Load BBD_2013 mask, as before.
Invert mask data checked.
~Merge group
~Add these elements to your tag, resize, reposition and sharpen as desired.
I added them in this order. Some I duplicated. Add a drop shadow to each as desired.
#2,#125, @20, #16, #77, #88, #112, #52, #50, # 136, #82, #90
~Once you are happy with your tag,
add my word art or make your own.
I have already added a gradient glow. Add a shadow of choice or your favorite
text effects.
~Don't forget to add ©
~Add your name
I used Lovely home.
Add your favorite text effects and save as a png.
~ You are finished!
 Thanks for trying mu tutorial!
 I would love to see what you have created!
 Hugs from Kel!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial day Cluster

Today I have made a free cluster or Memorial day.
Just click on it and save.
I hope you like it and can use it.
Hugs from Kel

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Rainy Days

For this tutorial you will need:
My zip file HERE
Crop circles dingbat HERE
Another font of choice or The one I have used :
Tube of choice:
 I am using Fanny rain by Souldesigner
 You must have a license number to use this tube
 You will find it HERE
FTU Cluster Frame HERE (It is in the middle of the post
 Made by KIMBERLY for the EFR blog.
 Please don't share this frame but direct them to the EFR blog.
Thank you.
I have also used the Eyecandy 4000 plug in {optional}:
Gradient Glow and Glass

 ~Open new image 500x500
~Grab your text tool, font is Crop circles dingbat.
 Size 600,Stroke set at 3
 Set your background to a color from your tube and your foreground is set to black.
~Type "q".
 Go to Objects and then align-center in canvas.
 Now convert to raster.
 Rename this layer as "Frame.
~Copy and paste the precipitation-1 image as a new layer and drag it to the bottom.
 (I found this image in a google search. If you know the creator please let me know
 So that I can give credit. Thanks!
~Grab our magic wand and make the frame layer the active layer.
 Click inside the square, 
~go to selections-Modify-expand selection by 5.
 Selections-invert selections.
 Make the rain image the active layer and hit delete on your keyboard. Select none.
~Now add a drop shadow of choice.
 Here are my settings.

~Paste the tube as a new image.
 If you are using the same tube I used, I resized it by 85% 5 times.
 Sharpen more and add the drop shadow you used before, repeat the drop shadow.
~Open the cluster frame by KIMBERLY.Copy and paste it as a new layer on top of the frame layer.
 Resize the frame by 85%
 Sharpen once and add the drop shadow from before.
~Make the bottom layer the active layer, select all and paste the cluster frame again, into selection.
 Select none. Adjust-blur.
 Texture effects-blinds with these settings

Edge effects-enhance. Resize by 95% and then rotate it to the right by 15.
~Add my word art as a new layer and drag it to the top.
 Apply the same drop shadow.
 Now apply eye candy 4000-gradient glow with these settings, color set to white.

~Add ©.  And your taggers information.
~ Add your name in the font of your choice. I have used Raindrop Splash
 with these settings

~Type your name and then convert to raster. Position it as desired,
 Now add Eyecandy 4000 Glass with these settings

Or use your favorite text effects.
 I used the same drop shadow I have been using, then the gradient glow as before twice and 
 then I added the same drop shadow.
 Save as a png.
 You are finished!
 Thanks for trying mu tutorial!
 I would love to see what you have created!
 Hugs from Kel!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Free Template

Free Template
You are beautiful

I have recently started tagging again.
I purchased PSP Ultimate,
but just can't get used to it...So
I went back to PSP9, for now.
I am offering you a free template today.
I hope  someone can use it.
Feel free to use it in a tutorial,
I would love to see what you create from it!
Please dont share,but direct them to my
blog to download.
Here is the preview of the template.
Also... please dont claim it as your own 
or change the filename.
Thanks for looking!
Hugs from Kel

Download here

Tag made for me!

This was made by Pammer's Passion Click the link to find the tut It is Awesome!!!! Thanks Pam! I love it!