Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Free Template

Free Template
You are beautiful

I have recently started tagging again.
I purchased PSP Ultimate,
but just can't get used to it...So
I went back to PSP9, for now.
I am offering you a free template today.
I hope  someone can use it.
Feel free to use it in a tutorial,
I would love to see what you create from it!
Please dont share,but direct them to my
blog to download.
Here is the preview of the template.
Also... please dont claim it as your own 
or change the filename.
Thanks for looking!
Hugs from Kel

Download here


  1. wrote a tut with this template...thanks again for sharing


Tag made for me!

This was made by Pammer's Passion Click the link to find the tut It is Awesome!!!! Thanks Pam! I love it!